Saturday, October 1, 2022

Introduction To cybersecurity course Multan

 Introduction To cybersecurity course Multan 2022

In this course you will know about the cybersecurity and why it is used in Hacking and what is its importance. Those who were interested in cybersecurity can consult our Hacking course Multan and increase your skills of hacking to become a certified hacker in future.   
The introduction to cybersecurity is described below:

What is cyber security?

Cybersecurity is a process  designed to protect networks and devices from external threats. Organizations typically employ cybersecurity professionals to protect sensitive information, keep employees productive, and increase customer confidence in their products and services. The world of cybersecurity revolves around Industry Standards for Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability (CIA). Data protection means that only authorized parties can access data. Integrity means that only authorized users can add, change or remove information. Availability means that systems, functions and data must be available on demand according to agreed parameters. The main element of Cyber Security is the use of authentication mechanisms. For example, a user name identifies an account that a user wants to access, while a password is a mechanism that proves the user is who he claims to be. 

Types of Cyber Crimes

Cybercrime is any unauthorized activity involving a computer, device, or network. The three types are computer-assisted crimes, crimes where the computer itself is a target, and crimes where the computer is incidental to the crime rather than directly related to it. Cybersecurity Bootcamp 

Cybersecurity Bootcamp

Cybercriminals usually try to profit off of their crimes using a variety of tactics, including:

Denial of Service, or DOS

Where a hacker consumes all of a server's resources, so there's nothing for legitimate users to access


Where victims are hit with a worm or virus that renders their devices useless

Man in the Middle

Where a hacker puts himself between a victim's machine and a router to sniff data packets


Where a hacker sends a seemingly legitimate-looking email asking users to disclose personal information

Other types of cyberattacks include cross-site scripting attacks, password attacks, eavesdropping attacks (which can also be physical), SQL-injection attacks, and birthday attacks based on algorithm functions

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