Thursday, July 14, 2022

How does hacking work?


 How does hacking work?

 Hackers use technical skills to exploit cyber security defenses Ethical hackers test for cyber security vulnerabilities and may take up hacking as a profession -- for example, a penetration tester (pen tester) -- or as a hobby The end goal is often to gain unauthorized access to computers, networks, computing systems, mobile devices or internet of things systems Many professional hackers use their skills to determine security holes in enterprise systems and then advise where companies should boost their security defenses to keep threat actors out Results can also be deleterious: Malicious hackers may steal login credentials, 

financial information and other types of sensitive information Many hackers aim to exploit either technical or social weaknesses to breach defenses Technical weaknesses may include vulnerabilities in software or other exploitable weak spots To exploit social weaknesses, hackers may attempt to manipulate social outcomes through false pretenses, such as impersonating a co-worker or other individual to gain financial or login information Hackers may also use their technical skills to install dangerous malware, steal or destroy data, or disrupt an organization's services Hackers of all types participate in forums to exchange hacking information and tradecraft There are numerous hacker forums where ethical hackers can discuss or ask questions about hacking Many of these hacker forums offer technical guides with step-by-step instructions on hacking In contrast, forums and marketplaces serving threat actors or criminal hackers are often hosted on the dark web and provide an outlet for offering, trading and soliciting illegal hacking services Criminal hackers, who sometimes lack technical skills, often use scripts and other specifically designed software programs to break into corporate networks This software may manipulate network data to gather intelligence about the workings of the target system These scripts can be found posted on the internet for anyone, usually entry-level hackers, to use Hackers with limited skills are sometimes called script kiddies, referring to their need to use malicious scripts and their inability to create their own code Advanced malicious hackers might study these scripts and then modify them to develop new methods

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